A special meeting of the Milan Township Board of Trustees will be held at 9 am on Monday, February 24, 2020 at the Trustee Meeting Room in Milan Town Hall, 24 Park Street, Milan. The purpose of this meeting is to review contractor bids received for Milan Town Hall restroom accessibility project.
The Milan Township Board of Trustees will meet on March 23, 2020 at 9 am in the Milan Town Hall for the purpose of adopting CONVID-19 policy and discussing township personnel.
As usual the public is welcome to attend, however the gathering shall be limited to 10.
The Milan Township Board of Trustees will meet on April 6, 2020 at 9 am in the Community Room of Milan Town Hall for the purpose of updating the temporary CONVID-19 policies and to discuss the possible employment of a public employee.
As usual the public is welcome to attend, however the gathering shall be limited to 10.
The Milan Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 8:00 p.m. in the Trustees’ Room of the Milan Township Hall, located 24 Park Street (corner of Church and Park Streets.) The purpose of the hearing is to consider the request of Frank Rich of 9615 River View Road, Milan Twp. Erie County, Ohio and listed on the Erie County Auditor’s Map as Parcel #51-00075.000 for a variance from the Milan Township Zoning Resolution, Article 11.6 and Articles 24.2 through 24.4, to be allowed to build a new 10 x 16 accessory structure. All interested parties are welcome.
The Trustees will consider the 2021 Tax Budget, as prepared by the Fiscal Officer. Interested parties can request a copy of the proposed budget by calling the Township Office or emailing milantownship@gmail.com.